Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Tipton Report -- Atheism and Religion

I appeared on the Tipton Report, February 27, 2007. We talked about religion and my columns, Religious Faith Under Exam and The Glospel of Y'hoshua. I spoke from the Atheist's viewpoint, Richie Parsons from Christian, and Richie Tipton remained a wonderful middleman. Running out of water about halfway through the show just added to my nervousness.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

WMUL Interview Clip

This morning about 6:20am I walked into the WMUL studio. There Taylor and Michael sat warming up the little booth. This interview was off-the-cuff, but very much a good time. I was nervous for the most part. But by being friends with Taylor--actually, roommates, our first year at Marshall University--I felt a little more at ease than the last time I appeared on air with the Tipton Report, back last spring.